Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma summary:

The manga centers on the relationship between a middle school teacher who has a knack for gal games and a 14-year-old "perfect prospective wife" who is an expert on the Sengoku period.
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 12 - 2 day ago
Chapter 11 - 11-12 20:44
Chapter 10 - 11-01 14:01
Chapter 9 - 11-01 14:00
Chapter 8 - 11-01 13:59
Chapter 7 - 11-01 13:58
Chapter 6 - 11-01 13:57
Chapter 5 - 11-01 13:56
Chapter 4 - 11-01 13:55
Chapter 3 - 11-01 13:54
Chapter 2 - 11-01 13:53
Chapter 1 - 11-01 13:51

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